Wednesday 20 November 2013

I Was Wrong.

I realized today that I have been doing my fair share of talking at God, but not doing much listening. God really showed me today that this was a lesson I have learned before, but forgotten, and neglected to put into practice like I should be. So today I took some time without distraction, to not just talk, but rather listen to what God wanted to tell me.

Often something I do when I feel like the Lord is telling me something is I just start scribbling it all down on a notebook. Today this was what got written down. "Keep your eyes on me. I have a plan for you, I am guiding you along that path, I directed you to that path in the first place, but you can not stay on it by yourself. I have only begun my work in you. In order to continue with the plans I have for you take your eyes off yourself and on your own hopes and your own dreams and place your eyes back on me. I can do greater things than you can even dream"

I saw what God was beginning to do in my life and thought I could take it from there. I could put it in my own power and my own control. God got me off to a good start and I could handle the rest. I was wrong. I can't. 

Following Gods plan for you fully and not just knee deep is not something to be done once and awhile. It is a life long journey. If you want Gods promises in your life to be fulfilled you have to keep your sight and trust in him fully, 100%, all the time. 

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